Belinda Fraser

Belinda Fraser

Hey, I’m Belinda!


My School of Splice goal

I’m building a personalised 30-day challenge email-based daily meal plan and complementary weekly fitness routine that Fiji women would want to pay for.

Rishad and Alan are coaching me on my SOS journey.

In this program, I’m learning

  1. How to test if my potential audience actually wants a 30-day meal and fitness plan

  2. How to gather feedback from them, and improve on the product

  3. How to grow my subscriber base

  4. How to find out what people will pay for this


What I’ll need to do

Identify my community — who are the specific people whose problem I want to solve.

Test my assumptions with them. What health and fitness problems do they identify with? What do they wish they had that doesn’t already exist? Do they really want a 30-day meal and fitness plan? How much would they pay for this? What format do they want this in?

I’ll build a quick but testable prototype of the newsletter. Is my content solving the problem that my audience wanted solved? Is it something they would find useful and relevant?

I’ll get more feedback. Is this useful? What do they want more of? What should I remove? What’s confusing? And what would they pay for this?

I’ll create a simple one-page website where people can sign up. There’s only one single call-to-action here: Subscribe.

I’ll run a cheap campaign on Facebook and Twitter to see if I can get more traction. Is this resonating with your target audience? Why? Why not?

I’ll get more feedback. But now I’ll ask: What’s the value in this for you? If you had to pay for this, would you? And if yes, how much? If no, why not?

Want to learn how to do this yourself? Splice can help. Get in touch.

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Alan Soon and Rishad Patel

We’re the co-founders of Splice, our media startup that celebrates media startups in Asia. Subscribe to our newsletters here.


Bhrikuti Rai


Asinate Wainiqolo