Splice Nano. Solo-build for user needs with AI.

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Are you Nano? 

  • A Nano is a solopreneur focused on solving very specific problems for users though the thoughtful use of AI.

    There are more FAQs here

We are looking for 10 Nanos to solo-build a product, service, or company that serves user needs with the help of AI.

We want to understand what you’re building as a solopreneur, and how we can help make Splice Nano truly useful to you.

We are building a community of mavericks around an idea that, in 2024, it’s possible to build tiny solopreneur media companies focused on solving very specific problems for users through the thoughtful use of AI.

We call them Nanos.

The Splice Nano program, supported by the ICFJ Knight Fellowships, helps connect you with the Splice community of experts and allies, help market your product, and give you a stage at the annual Splice Beta festival.

We’ll help you cover the costs of some of your AI tools, teach you how to build a viable business, and if the moment comes, help with investor pitches.

Plus, we throw in a yearly meetup.

A picture of Alan Soon, the co-founder of Splice, on a pink background
A picture of Rishad Patel, the co-founder of Splice, on a pink background

Hello, we’re Alan and Rishad. Splice is our two-person startup that helps you build a viable media and information business. There’s more about us and our mission here.

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I’m confused. Is Nano a program or a fellowship? It’s neither. At this point, we are listening for opportunities to understand what’s needed and then to see what can be done. That may be a program in the future. But at this point, it’s easier to think of this as a community.

Are Nano applications only for full timers or are side gigs welcome too? Side gigs are welcome — as long as they’re solo side gigs.

Is Nano a grant? No, at least not at this stage while we figure out what a community of solo builders could look like. But we may be able to help you cover some minor software costs.

Which regions are covered? Nano is global. We want to see if there’s a common thread among solo builders everywhere. So far, we’ve had some interesting ideas from countries like Zimbabwe, Pakistan, Germany, Singapore, and the U.S.

What exactly can you help me with? At this point, it would be a network of experts, a community.

Ok, how do I participate in a community? Come join us in the #nano channel on our Planet Splice Slack group. Come meet fellow builders and experts.

Let’s Nano.