Asinate Wainiqolo

Asinate Wainiqolo

Hey, I’m Asinate!


My School of Splice goal

I want to build an information hub around personal finance for the iTaukei community in Fiji.

Rishad and Alan are coaching me on my SOS journey. Connect with me on LinkedIn.

In this program, I’m learning

  1. How to create personas for the users I want to serve in my community.

  2. How to create solutions that could help my community make better decisions around personal finance.


What I’ll need to do

I’ll think of a specific person in our iTaukei community with a specific problem, like debt. What problem does she want me to solve? Is it “How to be debt-free”? Or "Help me pay off my student loans"?

I’ll create a list of 10 or 20 more people that would be most insightful in helping me answer those questions.

What content formats are they most receptive to? What options are available beyond the article? Is it a newsletter? A weekly video chat?

Figure out how much would they be willing to pay for this service?

I’ll talk to them. I’ll tell them what I’m trying to figure out with this exercise. I’ll ask them what’s missing, or misunderstanding.

I’ll work on a prototype and test it with the same people. Does it solve their problem? What do they need more of? Less of? What could you add that would make it really worth paying for?

I’ll start interpreting the feedback into actions. What was surprising? What can I quickly build for them in a month that will make them say “This is exactly what I needed!”?

Want to learn how to do this yourself? Splice can help. Get in touch.

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Alan Soon and Rishad Patel

We’re the co-founders of Splice, our media startup that celebrates media startups in Asia. Subscribe to our newsletters here.


Belinda Fraser


Annelis Putri