
Splice Pink

Pink is where we have quick conversations with people across the global media ecosystem: media startup founders, tech, data, and design folks, investors, journalists, media development funders and donors, product managers, and academics.

The Splice Pink podcast cover, a white square with the words 'Splice Pink' in pink in the centre of pink lines radiating outwards to connect to a circle formed out of line illustrations of different kinds of chairs

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Alan Soon and Rishad Patel Alan Soon and Rishad Patel

Yolanda Ma from the University of Hong Kong on making AI training mandatory in journalism education

In this episode of Splice Pink, we speak with Yolanda Ma, a lecturer at the Journalism and Media Studies Centre at the University of Hong Kong. ChatGPT describes her as “an influential figure in the fields of digital policy and global partnerships.” We agree.

With a vast career in international development, data, and journalism, Yolanda recently won approval to make AI training a mandatory subject for the masters program in journalism. In this podcast, she talks about why she pushed for it, and what's needed in journalism education today.

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Alan Soon and Rishad Patel Alan Soon and Rishad Patel

Kassy Cho on how she built Almost, an Instagram-first media startup for young people in Taiwan

Three years ago, disappointed with the legacy media landscape, Kassy Cho started Almost, an Instagram-first news startup focused on young people. The Taipei-based journalist saw an opportunity to deliver news to both Chinese and English audiences who were left underserved — and ignored — by mainstream media. In this episode, she spoke to us about the opportunities to serve younger audiences and ways to monetise that.

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Alan Soon and Rishad Patel Alan Soon and Rishad Patel

Myanmar journalists in exile still need support. Here's what you can do

These are some of the best sessions from Splice Beta 2023. This episode features December Khaing.

Exile Hub started soon after the coup in Myanmar when hundreds of journalists started flowing across into Thailand for refuge. Exile Hub's multifaceted approach includes psychosocial support, offering shelter and mental health services, as well as personal safety, border safety, and digital safety workshops. 

At Splice Beta 2023, December Khaing talked about the organisation’s work and the challenges faced by Myanmar’s journalists living in exile. 

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Alan Soon and Rishad Patel Alan Soon and Rishad Patel

How Tanmoy Goswami of Sanity by Tanmoy builds products for his mental health journalism startup

We're putting together some of the best sessions from Splice Beta 2023. This episode features Tanmoy Goswami of Sanity by Tanmoy. Tanmoy talks to a large crowd about how — and why — he builds products for his mental health journalism startup.

He also discusses his unique approach to success metrics, emphasising the importance of consistency and recognising that people support the creator rather than the product

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Alan Soon and Rishad Patel Alan Soon and Rishad Patel

Nishant Lalwani from the International Fund for Public Interest Media on where media funding is going

We're putting together some of the best sessions from Splice Beta 2022. This episode features Nishant Lalwani, the CEO of the International Fund for Public Interest Media, which exists to enable media to work for democracy. Nishant spoke to why the fund was necessary now, and discussed the gaps between the funding that journalism needs — and what has so far been available.

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Alan Soon and Rishad Patel Alan Soon and Rishad Patel

Project Multatuli’s Devina Heriyanto on running a membership program with empathy and curiosity

Devina Heriyanto is the membership manager at Project Multatuli, a public service journalism collective in Indonesia.

In this Splice Pink episode, we spoke with Devina shortly after we met her at Splice Beta in Chiang Mai in November 2022. She talked us through the intricacies of bringing ‘depressing’ reporting around marginalised peoples to a community that supports Project M’s mission.

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