Here’s what happened at Splice Beta 2022

The feedback keeps rolling in.

What people are saying

We sent out a post-Beta survey. Responses were anonymous. Bring on the funky charts and graphs.

82.2% of attendees were very likely to recommend attending Beta 🥰

On a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 is ‘not likely’ and 5 is ‘very likely’

44.4% of respondents want more sessions on strategy, business, and funding

Like finding and articulating business strategies around grants, funding, and investment

We asked what we should do more of — and less of, on a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 is ‘I want less of this’ and 5 is ‘I want more of this’

48.9% of respondents want more sessions on product, formats, and prototyping

Stuff like building and testing prototypes and products with audiences, and finding product-market fit by solving a problem for your user

55.6% of respondents want more sessions on audience, community, user, customer

Like finding relevance and value with your users, audiences, and community

48.9% of respondents want more sessions on management, operations, and workflows

Good things like

  • understanding resource management and efficiency around content, amplification

  • learning about and building resources for gender, equity, and diversity in your organisation

  • building a media org with a compassionate mental health policy

  • hiring and retaining talent

26.7% of respondents want more sessions on journalism

Topics include understanding the needs of exiled media around the world, understanding how to keep journalists safe, and learning how to improve reporting through data

68.9% of respondents said we delivered on our stated goals around diversity and inclusion

On a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 is ‘No, you did not deliver’ and 5 is ‘Yes, you delivered’

“Splice Beta is not just a festival to remember, but a community where you can learn, feel like home and have fun all at once!”

— Amanda Cua, BackScoop

We also asked about what we had left out — and what else people would like to see at Beta

“Make it more accessible for those with dynamic disabilities or disabilities in general”

“It was well balanced. Also nice spacing between workshops to allow for more 'corridor time'.”

“It would be great to do a session about art/creativity in journalism: cartoonist, illustrators. What are some good collaboration-tips? How do audiences like to digest difficult topics in a visually attractive way. ”

“Small conversation sessions for specific groups - country-specific sessions or sessions for donors or for startups vs established, etc.”

“I'd like to have further conversations about how journalists can regain public trust in an environment where critical reporting is frowned upon; in societies where populist governments treat journalists as the enemy of the state. I'd like to hear ideas about how mainstream media can be reborn at a time when audiences/users/the community is wary of big businesses that own these newsrooms. What alternative solutions can journalists in these mainstream newsrooms try? Do we all start our own thing that will create unique value for our users or is there still value in perhaps beating the dead horse that is mass media in the hopes of turning it into some valuable Frankenstein?”

“I got to attend the session on mental health and that was so interesting. We cut across ranks, with people sharing from a staff side, and myself and a few others sharing from the management/leadership side. Having the opportunity to have a multi-layered, very small and intimate, and as a result very safe and open conversation, was great.”

“perhaps there need to be more days? Or "unstructured time" I don't know what that looks like operationally/execution-wise. But I am sure people wanted to spend more time with each other.”

“I understand that Beta is a global conference and why it's conducted in English. I have learned so much and I wonder how we can share these insights to local independent media who are still struggling but haven't had the chance to attend such conferences and had access to these knowledge because of language barriers. Probably there should be a one-pager or mini booklet that we can share and translate into various languages for those people who can't attend Beta (I can help translate into Indonesian language!).”

“It is good to increase the opportunity to meet and exchange experiences in informal groups according to the topic of interest (ex: fact-checking, gender, climate change etc). (side events)”

“A pitch session that does not coincide with other items on the agenda so the whole community can be there and support each other”

“The curation of topics can be more varied, and maybe a component of "unconference" where participants could suggest topics more spontaneously during the conference itself. Also, it would be good to have a short write-up of each talk/presentation, as sometimes there was a mismatch between the title and the actual content. Workshops could be more hands on.”

“Beta 2022 is nothing short of perfection. Loved it. Very supportive community and glad to have found it after a decade of being in media industry. Wish we found it sooner. :)”

“It would be nice if the collective notes can be made into some sort of a publication/ digital magazine style output. I think many would volunteer for this. Like we have a good memento from the whole event.”

“Leadership development for journalists and media executives”

“Maybe we can have collective projects coming out of Beta. I feel like with the beta people with diverse experiences, there can be something to connect the beta resources and we can see the updates/results/testimonies at the following year Beta.”

“I thought it a good mix of sessions, introductions and networking - great range of speakers and opportunities for follow ups.”

All the Beta 2022 resources you need

Here’s where the useful stuff lives: videos, slide decks, articles, playbooks, links, and all the other delicious bits and pieces you’ll need for your Beta toolkit.

Meet our amazing speakers 👩🏼‍🎤

Why we Beta

This was our third Splice Beta. Our mission remains the same: to help you build a viable media business.

Welcome home to your Beta community.

Animated tuktuk family

What is Splice Beta?

An inclusive and diverse media startup festival on November 1-2 in the northern Thai city of Chiang Mai. 

Beta is the only event in Asia that brings together the media ecosystem. This is the golden age of media. Let us show you what it looks like.

Tuktuk therapy for all.

Missed out this time?

Here’s why you should sponsor Beta

It’s a great marketing platform

Link to your organisation’s programs, work, resources on the Beta website, newsletters, and social.

Launching a product, program, service? Announce it at Beta. Let us help you get the word out.

You meet the community

We facilitate introductions to participants. Find your next upcoming media entrepreneur or creator.

We have private meeting rooms for quiet conversations. No one likes noisy cafes for important meetings. We’ll have great spaces for you.

It’s your chance to build the community

Host a session to recognise the heroes from your programs. Let’s give them the acknowledgement they deserve.

You can help the community learn what they need

Run a workshop or presentation. Do you have case studies to present? Best practices to teach? That’s very Beta.

We appreciate you! 

We’ll show our appreciation for your support at the sessions, on our website, newsletters, social media, printed materials, signage. It matters to us, truly.

Thank you to our 2022 sponsors

We’re so grateful to our partners, not just for their money, but for the passion and belief they have poured into this community. Thank you for fighting for us.

Thank you so much for your kind donations!

Amanda, Bhanupriya, Click2View, Darsh, Harish, Jeyup, Krystal, Nithin, Norman, Simon, and all of you who wanted to stay anonymous — you’re what makes this community magical ❤️

The second-best Beta accessory? The Beta tee.

The best? A tuktuk, obviously.

Person wearing a white t-shirt with pink letters spelling 'BEBETABETOKTOK' and an image of a tuk-tuk.
Woman wearing a black T-shirt with pink stylized letters spelling "BE BETA BE TOK TOK" and a graphic of a tuk-tuk vehicle.

"Splice Beta combines the best of culture from the startup world without any of the tech bro BS, and the idealism of journalism without the cynicism.”

— Yan Oak, Thibi

Solid pink color background

Who is Beta for?

Media startup founders, creators, tech folks, investors, journalists, media development donors, product managers, media program managers, and academics.

In other words, the media ecosystem.

Diversity, inclusivity, and access are a big deal for us.

54.4% of registered attendees were female and 42.6% male.

45% of our speakers were female and 55% male. Almost 80% of speakers had never presented at Beta.

We had attendees from 45 countries. The top five countries: Singapore, Thailand, Philippines, India, and Cambodia.

Companies you met at Beta 2022

Thanks for signing up, Asian American Journalists Association (AAJA), ABS-CBN, Acast, AFP, Agencia Mural de Jornalismo das Periferias, Alhudood, AlterMidya, Arré, Átlátszó Erdély, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, BackScoop,, BBC Media Action, Behanbox, Berkman Centre for Internet and Society, Between The Lines, Boju Bajai Podcast, Boomerang Media, Bureau of Investigative Journalism, Burma News International, Burma Review, Cambodian Center for Independent Media (CCIM), Cambodian Journalists Alliance Association (CamboJA), Center for Investigative Reporting, Chambal Media, Chiang Mai University, Cirrusgo, Climate Tracker, CNN, Code for Africa, Confidencial, Cuestión Pública, Daily Maverick, Dari Mulut ke Mulut, Davao Today, Dawei Watch, DealStreetAsia, Democratic Voice of Burma (DVB), Deutsche Welle Akademie, e27, Efecto Cocuyo Medium, Ethiopia Insider, Fojo Media Institute, Free Expression Myanmar (FEM), Fumaça, Girl's Podcast, Global Investigative Journalism Network, Google, Gram Vaani, Herne Katha, Himalmedia, Icarus Media, Inclusive Journalism, Indonesia Business Post, Inhlase Centre for Investigative Journalism, Initium Media, Insider, International Media Support (IMS), Internews, IrpiMedia, Jnomics Media, Josh Talks, Kiripost, Kontinentalist, Latin American Center of Investigative Journalism (CLIP), Lemon Press, LinkedIn, Lok Sujag, Luminate, Macroscope,, Malaysia Information Literacy Education (MILE), Media Commoner, Media Development Investment Fund (MDIF), Media Matters for Democracy, Meta, MNC Media, MNN Centre for Investigative Journalism, Mutante, Nest Center for Journalism Innovation and Development, New Naratif, North Base Media,, Open Society Foundations (OSF), Outbrain, Outriders,, Podchaser, Ponte Jornalismo, Project Multatuli, PumaPodcast, Qualgro, Quinto Elemento Lab, rtCamp, Sharecast Initiative Nepal, Sheroes, Sin Chew Media, Slator, Sowt, Splice Media, Straits Times, Stripe,, Suno India, Telum Media, Tenger TV, The Centrum Media, The Conversation Indonesia, The Daily Aus, The Hindu BusinessLine, The Morning Context, Thibi, Tokyo Investigative Newsroom Tansa, Tribal News Network (TNN), USAID, U.S. Indo-Pacific Command, VERA Files, Vice Indonesia, WAN-IFRA, We, the Citizens, and YouTube.

“Splice Beta goes above and beyond the conventional idea of a conference. Its community is kind, welcoming, resourceful, and made up of a non-judgmental group of human beings.”

Darathtey Din, Campuccino

What is this Splice thing, anyway?

Rishad Patel and Alan Soon of Splice. Photo by Peter Guest

👋 Hi! We’re Rishad and Alan.

We’re the founders of Splice, and Beta is our way of celebrating the work of the incredible media community we’re fortunate enough to be a part of.

Have questions? Check the FAQs below or just email us here.

Miss the Beta vibe?

Let’s keep the conversation going on the Planet Splice Slack or the Splice Telegram group

We have a code of conduct.

We want to explicitly state what we — as a community — consider inappropriate behaviour.

At Splice, we want to create a harassment-free experience for everyone. We’re spelling it out so it’s clear to all.

See all the Betas.

Beta 2019
Chiang Mai

Beta 2020

Beta 2023
Chiang Mai

A colourful collection of ways to be Beta. The text reads: "Be building Be learning Be sharing Be prototyping Be testing Be teaching Be listening Be leading Be collaborating Be failing Be transparent Be kind Be tuktuk Be Beta"