The Reality Check survey aims to identify challenges facing information producers in Asia.
Hi. Are you an information producer* in Asia? Tell us about the challenges you’re facing.
We designed the Reality Check survey to learn about the specific challenges you face as an information producer* in Asia. Your answers will help us shape solutions that work for you — and the users and communities you serve.
*Being an information producer really just means your work involves producing information that a specific set of users need.
So you could be a journalist or a podcaster or a creator or a reviewer or an activist or a newsletter writer or a YouTuber or a TikToker producing information or media in any Asian language, including English.
We’re Splice. It’s our job to understand the obstacles in your way so we can help information producers like you solve problems for your users and communities.
Splice helps you build a viable media business. There’s more about Splice here.
All rights to the Reality Check survey, the results, insights, recommendations, and activities belong to Splice in perpetuity.